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Friend & Following Limits

Why are there limitations in place?

In order to ensure general site reliability and performance of the main activity feed, we’ve added a few limits around following and friending.

What are the following limits?

  • We do NOT limit the total number of followers you can have
  • Every member can follow up to 400 members every 24 hours
  • Every member can follow at least 5,000 members in total, while verified members can follow at least 10,000 members
  • Following limits increase based on the number of followers you have by a ratio of 5 to 1. For example, if you are not verified and have 1,500 followers, you can have a maximum of 7,500 followers (1,500 * 5).

What happens if someone reaches their following limit?

If someone reaches the following limit they:

  • Will still be able to follow people who follow them
  • Will still automatically follow people when they accept a friend request
  • Won’t automatically follow someone to whom they send a friend request BUT after the other member has accepted the friend request, they can go and follow them manually

What are the friending limits?

  • Any account created before August 16, 2022, can friend up to 2,500 members
  • Any account created after August 16, 2022, can friend up to 1,000 members
  • Verified profiles, regardless of when their account was created, can friend up to 5,000 members

What happens if someone reaches their friending limit?

If someone reaches the friending limit they:

  • Can still accept all incoming friend requests

What can I do when I’ve hit my friending limit?

Apart from manually going through your friends list, there's a one-time option to convert all of your friends to followers by emailing [email protected].