How do I add/change/delete a relationship with someone else?
Adding, changing, and deleting a relationship with someone else on FetLife is easy (you're on your own for the real-life stuff)!
To edit or delete your relationships with someone else:
- Click your nickname on the top-right side of FetLife and click "Edit Profile" in the dropdown menu.
- Click the tab called "Relationships in".
- The tab has two different types of relationships: "Relationships" and "D/s Relationships". You can add, edit, or delete those relationships on this screen. This only changes the relationships on your profile.
Whenever you add a relationship (or a D/s relationship) with someone, or when you update an exisitng relationship by connecting it to a person, a relationship request is then sent to that person. That relationship goes into "pending" status and you are the only one who can see it at this point on your relationship settings page and on your profile page. The request should then be approved the person it was sent to. If the request is approved, the relationship will become visible to everyone. If the request is rejected, the relationship will be removed from your profile.
Please note, in order to have a relationship with someone, you have to be "friends" on FetLife first. Also, if you delete someone as a friend, any existing relationships with that person are deleted on both sides, as well as relationship requests.
But on FetLife there is something you can do about it! Go to that person's profile, and hover your mouse over the relationship with you. You'll notice a "x delete" link appear to the right. Click that to delete the relationship!