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How to receive push notifications from the Official FetLife App?

It’s important to know that push notifications currently only work on the following operating systems:

  • Android
  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • iOS 16.4 and up

Turning on Push Notifications

The first time you log in to the FetLife Progressive Web App you'll see a banner at the bottom of the app promoting to enable push notifications. You can enable them via that route by:

  1. Pressing the Enable button on the banner
  2. Pressing Allow when prompted about enabling push notifications

In case you didn’t get the banner or dismissed it, you can enable push notification at any time by:

  1. Visiting
  2. Finding the Web notifications section (located on the right on desktop and at the bottom on mobile)
  3. Pressing Turn On and following instructions that appear in the pop-up

Reviewing Push Notifications

We understand that it’s not always interesting to receive all kinds of push notifications. You can choose which ones to disable or enable at any time by:

  1. Visiting
  2. Reviewing each notification setting in the list
  3. Checking off or on notifications in the Web column