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Within queer culture a bottom refers to a person of any gender or sex who tends to be the receptive partner in any sort of sexual intimacy, whether penetrative or not. The term differs from a kink bottom in that it does not carry an implied power dynamic connotation. One can be a queer bottom and kink top or vice versa.

Bottom in BDSM and LGBT Communities

A meshing of both communities can often be found with each person having different preferences. Often the motivation for one can either be influenced by the other, or they can be totally independent:

  • BDSM Bottom/LGBT Bottom: One that has a submissive temperament and prefers to receive sexual attention. Often sexual this preference helps enhance the submissive experience for this person.
  • BDSM Bottom/LGBT Top: one that has a submissive temperament and prefers to give sexual attention.
  • BDSM Top/LGBT Bottom: One that has a dominant temperament and prefers to receive sexual attention.
  • BDSM Switch/LGBT Versatile: One that can assume either a dominant or submissive temperament, and is comfortable either giving or receiving sexual attention.

Despite all these possible combinations above, it is important to remember that not all people fit into boxes. Many prefer to avoid getting hung up on labels, and just do what feels natural in the moment depending on the partner and the scene.

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