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A condition where tissue similar to the uterine lining (endometrium) grows where it shouldn't: outside the uterus.

Endometriosis can affect anyone assigned female at birth, and causes severe discomfort or pain when menstruating, having intercourse, and sometimes when having bladder or bowel movements. It can also cause infertility.

Endometriosis & Kink

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Endometriosis & Sex

Due to the pain commonly associated with endometriosis, vaginal sex might be avoided entirely. One might prefer anal, oral, or entirely non-penetration sex, or they might not have any sex at all. However, endometriosis can also be found in the rectum, or the area between between the colon and the vaginal wall, so it's important that partners communicate about which types of play are most comfortable based on their symptoms.

Endometriosis & Relationships

Partners of people with endometriosis need to understand that their partners may be suddenly exhausted or feel pain even if they seemed to be enthusiastic regarding a specific activity. They are more likely to feel guilty about their frequent need to cancel plans; they need understanding - they do not choose to be unable to reach their objectives. In addition to pain, endometriosis can lead to a lack of confidence in the medical field, as many sufferers have had their symptoms underestimated or dismissed. They need a partner that brings them confidence and support.

Endometriosis & Identity

Due to the difficulty of being diagnosed with endometriosis, people suffering from this disease may go through phases with doubts regarding their self confidence and right to be taken into consideration by others. Due to the severe pain of endometriosis, they can also have the feeling that they are living only through their symptoms, of being the pain, or of being the disease.


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