More like guidelines and a lot less like definitions.
Grayromantic is a romantic orientation that usually refers to a person who experiences romantic attraction under very limited and specific circumstances. It can also refer to someone who is unsure if they feel romantic attraction or someone who is unsure of where the line is between romantic and non-romantic attraction.
Similar to frayromantic, grayromantic can be a standalone orientation or combined with other sexual orientations.
Grayromantic describes someone who experiences romantic attraction in a way that falls between fully aromantic (not experiencing romantic attraction at all) and fully romantic (experiencing romantic attraction in a more typical way).
As with many orientations, there's lots of variation within grayromantic. There's no single definition, but some grayromantics might:
- Experience romantic attraction very rarely or weakly.
- Feel romantic attraction but not desire a romantic relationship.
- Have a hard time distinguishing between romantic and platonic feelings.
Exploring your own unique experience with romantic attraction is key. Grayromantic is a label that can help you understand yourself better, but it's not a rigid box. If you identify as grayromantic, open communication with potential partners is important. You can explain your feelings and preferences for relationships.