More like guidelines and a lot less like definitions.
Abroromantic is a term used within the LGBTQIA+ community to describe a person whose romantic orientation is fluid or changes over time. An abroromantic person might experience different romantic attractions at different times, such as feeling romantically attracted to people of one gender for a period and then to people of another gender or multiple genders at other times. This fluidity is a key aspect of their romantic orientation.
Imagine romantic attraction as a spectrum. For some people, this attraction is fixed - they might always be romantically attracted to a specific gender or genders. However, for abroromantic individuals, this attraction is fluid and can change over time.
The prefix "abro-" is from the Greek habrĂ³s, which means "delicate" or "graceful." This prefix is used to symbolize the changing nature and 'movement' of abroromantic people.
Traits of Abroromantic People
- Fluid Attraction: An abroromantic person's romantic attraction can shift and change. One day they might find themselves romantically attracted to one gender, and another day they might feel a different kind of attraction or to different genders. This doesn't mean they choose their attractions; it's a natural part of who they are.
- Individual Variation: The experience of being abroromantic can be unique to each individual. For some, the changes in romantic attraction might happen frequently, while for others, it might be less often.
- Romantic Orientation: Just as someone might identify as gay, bisexual, or pansexual based on their romantic attractions, an abroromantic person uses this term to describe their ever-changing romantic orientation.
Being abroromantic is about recognizing and embracing the fluidity of one's romantic feelings. It's also a reminder that human emotions and attractions can be wonderfully complex and dynamic!